Smode 9.0

Smode 9.0

What's new in 9.0 ? (09/07/2020)

Notch Integration

Notch Block .dfxdll file Notch Block File ".dfxdll" Read More

Modernized and simplifed Parameters Editor

Generators, Placement and Renderer parameters are now organized in tab in the Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More

Full ChangeLog of Smode 9.0

2D & 3D:
3D: UI & UX:
  • New: Modernized and simplified Parameters Editor
  • New: Display file "opening status" inside the file tree
  • Fix: In the Timeline Color key display correctly when one is outside the view
  • New: tab and shift+tab for Undentation level in all code editor

  • New: "Opening Status" column in files tree
  • Fix: Duplicate command is now working
  • Fix: Export Image on a compo blue and red inverted

  • New: Internal Processor This section describes how to configure Smode processors in order to configure your output(s) and also make some nice and smooth stage pre-visualisations Read More for LED screens
  • Chg: update NDI from v4.1 to v4.5
  • Chg: update OpenEXR from v2.0.1 (July-11-2013) to v2.4.1 (february-11-2020)
  • New: Support of SDI output for Deltacast with or without DirectGMA/GPUDirect
  • New: Transcode into Prores
  • New: Vioso WarpBlend Update from 2017/05/17 to V1.5.0 2020/05/20
See the changelog of Smode 9.1 What's new in 9.1 ? (22/04/2021) Read More or Smode 8.6 What's new in 8.6 ? Read More

See Also: